

Classroom Project:

The class will be divide into groups of four.
Each group must choose a relevant topic that discusses the ethical behaviour of computing and present on the nature of the topic, the issues students face as they deal with the topic, and the ways in which the topic can be addressed.
Multimedia displays are encouraged.
Each group will present to the class.

Topics to consider:

  • Computer crime
  • Computer hacking
  • Plagiarizing code
  • Software piracy
  • Virus distribution
  • Willful distraction of data
  • Environmental issues
  • Video-game violence


  1. Each group will present to the class (10 minutes allowed for presentation, 5 minutes Q&A).
  2. Each person in the group neds to take responsibility for presenting some portion of the presentation.
  3. Each group is required to provide a one page handout, available to all students, with a synopsis of the topic presented.
  4. Each group is required to conduct some background research on the topic.
  5. Conduct some background research on your topic. Be able to outline the highlights of the subject in terms of:
  • Topics significance. Why do you think this is an important issue in the first place? Include peersonal opinions as well as research-supported ideas/statistics.
  • The issue that need to be considered (ethical, legal). Think about how the issue has been defined.
  • How the topic directly affects students.

Possible ways of presenting the content:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint presentation
  • Pamphlets
  • Collages
  • Media articles
  • Legal documents
  • Lists of resources


Project Groups and Topics

Group 1: Alex, Marcel, Angelus - Video Game Violence

Group 2: Stephanie, Miguel, Connor - Plagiarizing Code

Group 3: Jason, Jessica, Ian - Environmental Issues

Group 4: Matt, Tyler H., Crystal, Mark S. - Software Privacy

Group 5: Kyle C., James, Ben - Computer Hacking

Group 6: Adrian, Blake, Austin, Tyler T. - Data Theft

Group 7: Fiona, Tayler, Srdjan - Computer Crime

Group 8: Dylan, Kyle L., Adam - Virus Distribution
